1993 Winner: Outstanding Leadership In Alberta Technology
Research Effort More Than Doubles Investment
The Time Warp or Optimistic Synchronization technology was a major breakthrough in parallel computation and the impetus for Jade, a computer simulation company launched by Dr. Unger. Project Jade, a $l.2 million research effort headed by Dr. Unger, resulted in more than 80,000 lines of unique, innovative parallel software and the first implementation of Time Warp, a concept created in the United States.
Dr. Unger has been key in the development of this technology and its practical application to a variety of industrial settings such as telecommunication planning, communication system design and air traffic control. Aspects of Time Warp technology are being widely explored in nearly every major university computer science department. Since its inception in 1987, Jade Simulations has grown from its four founders to a staff of 25. To date, Jade’s products have generated more than $3 million in revenues, and two patent applications have been filed in the United States and Canada. Now that Jade is established. Dr. Unger has returned to The University of Calgary full-time.