2023 Finalist: Hydrogen and Alternative Energies: Technologies and Initiatives

Finalist: Douglas Ivey, Professor, Dept. of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta
Initiative: Development and Characterization of Materials for Energy Applications

Douglas Ivey is a professor of Materials Engineering in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at the University of Alberta (since 1987). Ivey’s research in the past 20 years has targeted materials for the energy sector. This includes microalloyed steels for oil and gas transport and, more recently, hydrogen transport, as well as materials for electrochemical energy storage. As an authority in materials characterization, Ivey has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, with more than 300 refereed journal publications. He has supervised 77 graduate students to completion and 67 postdoctoral fellows, research associates, and other researchers. He is currently an editor for the journal Batteries and Supercaps, an editor for the journal Advanced Powder Materials and serves on the Board of Examiners for the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) and on the advisory board for the journal Batteries.